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“Without extracurricular activities young people turn to drugs, alcohol and gangsterism which leads to high dropout and failure rates. Also, kids turn to gangsterism because of their need for a sense of belonging that many don’t have in their fragmented family environment. If left alone, it is a cycle that will just continue.”

Mario van Niekerk – Founder

Description: Our programmes cover a range of needs in the community of Heideveld, from Education, After Schools Programs, Feeding, etc. We make a difference through ....

Literacy and Education Advancement

Literacy and Education Advancement

We place a high importance on education with the aim of breaking down the education-based poverty trap in this community and ultimately contributing to better opportunities at future employment. This is done by providing tutors for literacy classes at various primary schools as well as tutoring after school.

Physical Education and Sport

At our after school programme we want the children to primarily have fun in a safe space. This is balanced with the structure of organised activities like soccer; rope skipping; volleyball; table tennis and chess.

Literacy and Education Advancement
Literacy and Education Advancement

Early Childhood Development and Foster Care

The Heideveld community has a shortage of ECD centres and many of the parents in the community can’t afford or do not appreciate the importance of early childhood development. GCU has established a small creche which is accessible and affordable. A property has been acquired and plans are at an advanced stage for the development of a multi-classroom Creche Centre and for the training of local teachers so that the facility will offer up to 200 ECD places once it is fully operational.

Youth Employment and Empowerment

The young adults who are involved with the organisation as a tutor or coach often find that it is a stepping stone to the career they dreamed of but thought was an impossibility.


Literacy and Education Advancement
Literacy and Education Advancement

Community Development

Tree planting and park improvement projects, as well as initiatives to clean up public spaces are ongoing projects undertaken by GCU. These are aimed at giving the youth a sense of ownership and teaching them about the benefits of looking after their environment. These projects also aim to generate an appreciation for cleaner spaces in the community and a respect for common properties in the community.

GCU has initiated a number of food garden and common property planting initiatives. These are challenging in the very sandy and windy environment and  lack of easily available water. Nevertheless, the projects have inspired members of the community and changes are evident with more gardens and trees being nurtured and surviving.

Feeding the Hungry

From its very beginning GCU saw the need to feed the young people in the community, particularly primary school children. Feeding schemes have been established at a number of the primary schools, some of which have subsequently been taken over by those schools. GCU has also provided food to the community for many years with weekly and sometimes multiple feeding projects every week.

In 2020, at the beginning of the COVID crisis the increased need to feed the hungry was evident and GCU redirected its resources (since the schools were closed) to providing food parcels and more regular feeding.

Literacy and Education Advancement

Mother Soup Kitchen Project

In June GCU partnered with Woodstock Brewery and their Mother Soup project.  The idea of ‘Mother Soup’ was born out of a simple realisation that a craft brewery, the Woodstock Brewery, had some of the largest kettles in Cape Town (the “Mother City”) that could be re-purposed from brewing beer to making soup. 

Using the large kettle economies of scale, the Mother Soup initiative has provided up to 21,000 adult soup portions per day (7,000 litres).  Mother Soup is more than a bowl of soup, it’s a meal.  The recipes are designed by certified nutritionists and chefs. With added supplements (protein & healthy fats) Mother Soup aimed to ensure that the soup was tasty while providing the calorific and nutritional equivalent of a healthy balanced meal. Fresh bread is also provided with each meal and the meals are delivered hot to those who need it most.



Life Skills

Big Sister Programme

The Big Sister Programme was started by young women who saw the need to help the young girls in their community who face various forms of gender discrimination. Working in the five primary schools, they avail themselves to girls from Grade 4 to Grade 7 as mentors and someone who they can come to with problems they may be facing at home or school. The Big Sister Programme teaches life skills programmes through sports, along with communication skills; confidence & self-respect; and even self-defence techniques.


GCU provides workshops that teach and encourage positive Life Skills such as healthy behaviour; goal setting; self-management skills; self-esteem building; and problem solving.

The Continuum Project

Along with the focus on youth at a grassroots level, and with the backdrop of high unemployment for school leavers in South Africa, GCU offers tutoring positions to recent high school graduates. We also offer senior players from the soccer team and those who have through our after-school programme the opportunity to stay with GCU as coaches for the younger players.

Career Path Project

In a society where job prospects look dim, GCU provides learners with attentive assistance in helping them pursue their dreams. The youth learn to communicate their passions and life ambitions and where possible, GCU helps provide those first steps to ultimately going into their ideal profession. This may be linking them to a certain tertiary institution and helping with the needed paperwork; or helping with an internship in the desired field of work.

Education Often having more than 40 children in a classroom, school teachers are often grossly under-resourced to provide optimal education to their leaners. To help offset this GCU assists the five main primary schools in Heideveld with the following:

School Tutoring

With a strong focus on reading and writing skills, GCU provides after-school tutoring and one-on-one help with homework.

School Tutoring

With a strong focus on reading and writing skills, GCU provides after-school tutoring and one-on-one help with homework.

Wordworks and Paired Reading

Early intervention programmes designed to strengthen early child literacy and language development using these proven programmes. For more information go to

Wordworks and Paired Reading

Early intervention programmes designed to strengthen early child literacy and language development using these proven programmes. For more information go to

Sports At our after school programme we want the children to primarly have fun in a safe space. This is balanced with the structure of organised activities like soccer, rope skipping, hockey, boxing and chess.


GCU Academy Football Club has around 220 players from U7 to U19. When needed we supplement kit, boots, food, and provide transportation. The uniforms are particularly important in giving the youngsters a sense of identity; pride; and belonging and are often a powerful alternative to the colours and insignias associated with the gangs.


GCU Academy Football Club has around 220 players from U7 to U19. When needed we supplement kit, boots, food, and provide transportation. The uniforms are particularly important in giving the youngsters a sense of identity; pride; and belonging and are often a powerful alternative to the colours and insignias associated with the gangs.

Physical Education

Many government schools in South Africa no longer offer physical education as part of the curriculum. GCU fills that gap by providing Phys. Ed. coaches to the five main primary schools in Heideveld. A range of sports and exercises are done throughout the year with a strong emphasis on developing fine motor skills. There are other many other benefits too such as developing social competence; problem solving skills; and enhanceing self-esteem.

Rope Skipping

An activity that is both aerobic and anaerobic, rope skipping has had a huge impact on our children both physically and mentally. GCU has a long history of excellence in this sport and has provided various teams that have competed at the provincial level.

Rope Skipping

An activity that is both aerobic and anaerobic, rope skipping has had a huge impact on our children both physically and mentally. GCU has a long history of excellence in this sport and has provided various teams that have competed at the provincial level.